Cards Contain content and actions that relate information about a subject.

Card with chart

Card with data

Component props

headerNodeAdd the desired header by adding React.Fragment (<> ... </>) and content
srcStringSpecify a link to an image or a path to a static image
widthString or NumberSpecify the width of the image. "100%", "30vw", 240... is ok
heightString or NumberSpecify the height of the image. "100%", "30vw", 240... is ok
radiusNumberSpecify the radius of the image.
imgNodeAdd the desired image by adding React.Fragment (<> ... </>) and content
labelStringAdd text to the label
labelStyleStringSpecify additional styles if necessary
titleStringAdd text to the title
titleStyleStringSpecify additional styles if necessary
bodyStringAdd text to the materialme
bodyStyleStringSpecify additional styles if necessary
footerNodeAdd the desired footer by adding React.Fragment (<> ... </>) and content