Overflow menu display a list of choices on a temporary tonal.

Simple with badge ⇡

Simple ⇣

With icons ⇡

With icons ⇣

Component props

OverflowMenuidWrapperStringSpecify menu wrapper id
OverflowMenuidMenuStringSpecify menu id
OverflowMenuchildrenNodeSpecify the element that needs a menu
OverflowMenucontentNodeSpecify the element that needs a menu
OverflowMenutopRightBooleanSpecify if the menu is located at the top right
OverflowMenutopLeftBooleanSpecify if the menu is located at the top left
OverflowMenubottomRightBooleanSpecify if the menu is located at the bottom right
OverflowMenubottomLeftBooleanSpecify if the menu is located at the bottom left
OverflowMenuoverflowStringSpecify if there is scrolling, default value: overflow-y-auto
OverflowMenumenuNodeSpecify menu items
OverflowMenuItemidStringSpecify item id key
OverflowMenuItemleftElementNodeSpecify the left element of the item
OverflowMenuItemlabelStringSpecify the label of the item
OverflowMenuItemchildrenNodeSpecify the label of the item
OverflowMenuItemrightElementNodeSpecify the right element of the item
OverflowMenuItembadgeBooleanSpecify if there is a badge
OverflowMenuItembadgeContentStringSpecify badge content
OverflowMenuItemonClickFunctionHandling click events