Top App Bars display information and actions at the top of a screen.

Centered App Bar

Small App Bar

Medium App Bar

Large App Bar

Component props

TopAppBarchildrenNodeSpecify app bar
CenteredAppBarleftElementNodeSpecify the left element
CenteredAppBartitleStringSpecify a title
CenteredAppBarchildrenNodeSpecify a title
CenteredAppBarrightElementNodeSpecify the right element
SmallAppBarleftElementNodeSpecify the left element
SmallAppBartitleStringSpecify a title
SmallAppBarchildrenNodeSpecify a title
SmallAppBarrightElementNodeSpecify the right element
MediumAppBarleftElementNodeSpecify the left element
MediumAppBartitleStringSpecify a title
MediumAppBarchildrenNodeSpecify a title
MediumAppBarrightElementNodeSpecify the right element
LargeAppBarleftElementNodeSpecify the left element
LargeAppBartitleStringSpecify a title
LargeAppBarchildrenNodeSpecify a title
LargeAppBarrightElementNodeSpecify the right element